Theme: Current and Emerging Trends in the Field of Materials Research

Advanced Material Congress 2020

Advanced Material Congress 2020

Advanced Materials conference 2020 scientific committee feels privileged delight to invite participants from around the world to join us at 26th World Congress on Advanced Materials schedule to be held on Oct 22-23, 2020, at Tokyo, Japan. On this great meeting, Organizing Committee invites participants from all over the globe to take part in this annual conference with the theme “Current and Emerging Trends in the Field of Materials Research”. Advanced Materials 2020 congress boards at allocation novel concepts and innovative technologies amongst the professionals, industrialists and students from research areas of Advanced Materials to share their recent innovations and applications and indulge in collaborative discussions and technical sessions at the event. The Session will also have a cluster for companies and/or institutions to present their services, products, innovations and research results.

Materials that are consumed in high-technology applications are termed as advanced materials. These advanced materials are classically traditional materials whose properties have been enhanced, and also newly developed, high-performance materials. Additionally, they may be of all material categories (e.g., metals, ceramics, polymers), and are normally expensive.

The broadest definition is to refer to all materials that represent advances over the traditional materials that have been used for hundreds or even thousands of years. From this perception, advanced materials refer to all new materials and amendments to existing materials to obtain superior performance in one or more characteristics that are critical for the application under consideration.

Advanced materials include semiconductors, biomaterials and smart materials and Nano engineered materials.

The advanced materials industry incorporates a full life cycle from materials extraction, primary production, process development and materials characterization to product fabrication, testing, use and end-of-life waste management and recycling. Supporting activities would include research, design and development, together through skills and standards development.

The development of advanced materials is associated with the generation of new knowledge and intellectual property, a combination of the following concepts is typically associated with Advanced Materials:

  • R&D and innovation
  • Intellectual property
  • Intelligent computing systems
  • Concentrated bodies of expertise
  • Advanced manufacturing processes
  • High value-add services and products
  • Processes, products and technologies that are sophisticated and not easily replicable

Why is Materials Engineering important?

Materials Science and Engineering is a key aspect of most companies the world over. In the challenge to sort things stronger, cheaper, lighter, more useful and more sustainable, the manipulation of materials, their properties and processes is key factor. Materials researchers highlight understanding how the history of a material (it’s processing) influences its structure, and thus the material's properties and performance. The thoughtful of processing-structure-properties relationships is called the materials paradigm. This paradigm is used to sympathetic in a variety of research areas, including nanotechnology, biomaterials, and metallurgy. Such investigations are crucial to understanding, for example, the causes of various aviation accidents and incidents.

The properties and applications of a sum of these advanced materials—for example, materials that are used for lasers, integrated circuits, magnetic information storage, liquid crystal displays (LCDs), and fiber optics.

They can also exhibit completely novel properties. Advanced materials naturally have properties that are superior to and outperform conventional materials in their applications. The expansion of advanced materials is associated with the generation of new knowledge and intellectual property (IP). The enlargement of advanced materials can even lead to the design of completely new products. Advanced materials may also be remarkably adaptable.


  • Move towards knowledge-based economy
  • Export opportunities
  • Gain and retain international keenness through technological advances
  • Industry capability for job design and long-term job retention
  • Skills development and transfer
  • Captured value-add through beneficiation
  • Spill-overs and multipliers among sectors
  • New emerging clusters
  • Pipeline of R&D projects to build and strengthen value chains

Why to attend?

The organizing team of Advanced Materials 2020 meeting is gearing up for an exciting and educational conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a diversity of topics, poster presentations and abundant programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at World Advanced Material Conference, where you will be sure to have an expressive experience with scholars from all around the world, organizing committee look forward to conference you in Tokyo.

The panel discussions held in Advanced Materials Conference attendants as an exclusive platform for exchanging information and learning of new skills and hence recover the excellence of their knowledge and provide better aids to world. Networking session at Advanced Materials Conference serves as an excellent opportunity to associate and share information on present technology.

Target Audience:

  • Research Scientists
  • Students
  • Academic Faculty
  • Design Engineers
  • Mechanical engineers
  • Industrial engineers
  • Aerospace engineers
  • Architects
  • Industrialists
  • Business Entrepreneurs
  • Manufacturing Devices Companies


Track 01: Electronic and Magnetic materials:

This scope encompasses the relationships which occur among the performances of electrical, optical, and magnetic devices and the microstructural features of the materials from which they are built. Device aids of physical arrivals are imposing, through electrical conductivity and doping, transistors, photo detectors and photovoltaic, light emitting diodes, lasers, optical phenomena, photonics, ferromagnetism, and magneto resistance.

Electronic materials which incorporate semiconductors, dielectrics, ferroelectrics, half metals and superconductors. Warwick investigation embraces epitaxial development of an assortment of electronic materials; fabrication of devices from the materials and demonstration of their functionality for applications in healthcare, the low-carbon economy and information processing.

Track 02: Advanced Materials and Research:

It has an abundant claims which encompass materials proposal that incorporate the classic values of moral design with the transformation of technology and sciences, cost-benefit in industrial production of materials, processing approaches like rolling, welding, casting, crystal growth, thin-film deposition, ion implantation, glass blowing, etc. and analytic approaches such as electron microscopy, calorimetry, X-ray diffraction etc.

By the tenancy metallurgy and alloy materials, we flow to the knowledge-guided practice for the expansion and compositionally sensitive strategy of novel metallurgical and composite materials.

Track 03: Materials & Alloys:

Metals and alloys are materials that are regularly hard, pliable, and have great electrical and warm conductivity. Composites are made by liquefying at least two components together, at any rate one of them a metal. They have properties that improve those of the constituent components, such more noteworthy quality or protection from consumption.

Track 04: Science and Technology of Advanced Materials:

These are proposed at Energy for alternative energy foundations, need to make new conclusions for catalysts to renovate feedstock’s into fuels, new architectures for better solar cells DSSC’s and materials for advanced energy storage, including lithium batteries. New high-tech materials are crucial to breakthroughs in biology, the environment, nuclear energy, transportation and national security. Energy Materials is creating revolutionary advances in the science of materials detection and synthesis.

  1. Green Energy Materials
  2. Batteries and Energy Storage materials
  3. Graphene and 2D Energy Materials

Track 05: Semiconductors and Superconductors:

Semiconductor any of a class of crystalline solids middle of the road in electrical conductivity between a conveyor and a separator. Semiconductors are utilized in the assembling of different sorts of electronic gadgets, including diodes, transistors, and incorporated circuits. Such gadgets have discovered wide application as a result of their minimization, unwavering quality, control effectiveness, and ease. As discrete segments, they have discovered use in power gadgets, optical sensors, and light producers, including strong state lasers. They have a wide scope of current-and voltage-dealing with capacities and, increasingly significant, loan themselves to combination into complex however promptly manufacturable microelectronic circuits. They are, and will be within a reasonable time-frame, the key components for most of electronic frameworks, serving interchanges, signal preparing, processing, and control applications in both the purchaser and modern markets.

Track 06: Optics, Lasers, Photonics and Sensors:

Laser Optics is utilized in a wide scope of laser instrumentation or laser applications, including bar directing or material preparing. Laser Optics utilizes explicit substrates, coatings, or a mix of the two to give prevalent execution at explicit laser wavelengths or over a scope of wavelengths. Numerous Laser Optics highlight laser harm limits intended for beat or CW lasers. Utilizing a Laser Optic that has a lower laser harm edge than what the laser requires can prompt harming the Optical Component.

Track 07: Porous Materials and Ceramics:

Ceramics exhibit very strong solid ionic or potentially covalent holding (more grounded than the metallic bond) and this gives the properties regularly connected with pottery: high hardness, high compressive quality, low warm and electrical conductivity and substance latency.

This solid holding additionally represents the less alluring properties of earthenware production, for example, low malleability and low rigidity. The more extensive scope of properties, be that as it may, isn't broadly valued. For instance, while pottery is seen as electrical and warm covers, artistic oxides (at first dependent on Y-Ba-Cu-O) are the reason for high temperature superconductivity. Precious stone, beryllium and silicon carbide have a higher warm conductivity than aluminum or copper.

Track 08: Light Emitting Materials:

While light transmitting advancements are broadly accessible, there is interest for cutting edge materials to convey a higher exhibition as far as splendor, adequacy and shading precision. As analysts keep on making significant steps to improve the exhibition of light emanating gadgets and nanoparticles, the connection between microstructure, deserts and the optical properties of materials turns out to be progressively significant. The capacity to compute optical reactions is significant to get, utilize and anticipate disappointments in new materials, surfaces and interfaces, nanostructures, bunches, and materials under different extraordinary conditions.

Track 09: Biological Materials and Biomaterials:

Biological materials are normal biocompatible materials that include an entire or a piece of a living structure or biomedical gadget that performs, enlarge, or replace a characteristic capacity. Natural materials are frequently designed for therapeutic, biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications.

Natural materials are available inside living creatures. They don't contain any metal, earthenware, or manufactured polymer material and can fix themselves, while engineered materials don't. Rather than organic materials, a biomaterial is any mix of engineered and normal substances (other than medications) that can be utilized in the treatment or substitution of any tissue organ or capacity of the body.

Track 10: Magnetic and Energy Materials:

Attractive materials can add to sparing electric power and decreasing CO2 discharges in different ways. For instance, the change of electrical vitality into mechanical work and the other way around is finished utilizing electric engines and generators, separately, which suggest the utilization of hard and delicate attractive materials. Perpetual magnets assume a basic job in improving the effectiveness of power transmission and use and in the dynamic substitution of oil-based energizes in transportation by electric engines. For electric vehicles, attractive materials need to hold their properties up to reasonably high temperatures, which are requesting for the vast majority of the materials right now being used. Progressed formless and Nano crystalline delicate attractive materials are likewise of enthusiasm for inductors/transformers in high recurrence control gadgets parts and power molding frameworks. Hence, upgrading delicate and hard attractive materials and to broaden the temperature length where they are appropriate can suggest a prominent improvement in the vitality effectiveness of these gadgets.

Track 11: Hierarchical Materials:

Numerous normal and man-made materials show structure on more than one length scale; in certain materials, the basic components themselves have structure. This basic chain of command can have a noteworthy influence in deciding the mass material properties. Understanding the impacts of various leveled structure can control the combination of new materials with physical properties which are custom-made for explicit applications. These Hierarchical materials are extremely an amazingly enormous solidarity to weight proportion is achievable by the strategies exhibited here.

Track 12: Thermoelectric:

Thermoelectrics are materials that can produce power from the utilization of a temperature inclination, or the other way around, through the thermoelectric impact. By abusing this coupling among warm and electrical properties, thermoelectric gadgets can be made that convey heat from a cold to a hot side (refrigeration) or that create power from warmth streams.

Track 13: Polymers Science:

Polymer science has set up as a main significant interdisciplinary logical stream rising up out of Chemistry. Polymer science includes each part of comprehension related with regular or engineered macromolecules. This fundamental part of science incorporates science, material science, arithmetic, organic chemistry, thermo elements, energetics and multi-faceted building applications as joining with the center subject. Endless utilizations of manufactured or bio-polymers are accessible in day by day life and in industry. Persistently developing need for novel polymeric materials and its novel applications raised the requirement for a typical correspondence platform for the scientists, academicians and understudies

Associated with polymer investigate. Polymer Sciences gives such remarkable chance to the scholastic network to distribute their novel and extraordinary research result in this subject.

Track 14: Nano composites, Nanotubes, Nanowires and Nanoparticles:

Nano composites are materials that join Nano sized particles into a framework of standard material. The consequence of the expansion of nanoparticles is an uncommon improvement in properties that can incorporate mechanical quality, strength and electrical or warm conductivity. The adequacy of the nanoparticles is with the end goal that the measure of material included is regularly just somewhere in the range of 0.5 and 5% by weight.

Track 15: Carbon, Diamond and Fullerenes:

Diamond is likely the most outstanding carbon allotrope. The carbon molecules are masterminded in a grid, which is a variety of the face-focused cubic precious stone structure. It has superlative physical characteristics, a large portion of which begin from the solid covalent holding between its molecules. Every carbon molecule in a precious stone is covalently clung to four different carbons in a tetrahedron. These tetrahedrons together structure a three-dimensional system of six-membered carbon rings in the seat compliance, taking into account zero bond-edge strain. This steady system of covalent bonds and hexagonal rings is the reason that jewel is as amazingly solid as a substance.

Track 16: Materials Chemistry:

Materials science includes the utilization of science for the plan and union of materials with fascinating or conceivably valuable physical attributes, for example, attractive, optical, and auxiliary or synergist properties. It likewise includes the portrayal, preparing and atomic level comprehension of these substances.

Track 17: Electrical, optical and magnetic materials:

A Magnetic material is unique of a quantity of phenomena in which an electromagnetic wave propagates through a medium that has been altered by the occurrence of a quasistatic magnetic field. In such a material, which is too called gyro tropic or gyromagnetic, left- and right-rotating elliptical polarizations can propagate at different speeds, leading to a number of important phenomena. Once light is conveyed a layer of magneto-optic material, the consequence is called the Faraday Effect: the plane of polarization can be rotated, forming a Faraday rotator. The results of reflection from a magneto-optic material are identified as the magneto-optic Kerr effect (not to be confused with the nonlinear Kerr effect).

Track 18: Polymer Science and Polymer Chemistry:

Polymer science is an interdisciplinary zone contained compound, physical, building, preparing and hypothetical viewpoints. It similarly has colossal effect on contemporary materials science. It will probably give the premise to the creation and portrayal of polymeric materials and a comprehension for structure/property connections. Polymer science is of expanding significance for everybody's day by day life. Numerous advanced practical materials, apparatuses, and gadgets have polymers as vital parts. As anyone might expect, generally 30% of all researchers in the concoction business work in the field of polymers.

Polymer science is the investigation of the amalgamation, portrayal and properties of polymer atoms or macromolecules, which are enormous particles, made out of rehashing substance subunits known as monomers.

Track 19: Smart Materials:

The architects have an interesting, expansive degree of mastery with regards to the use of shrewd materials. Shrewd Materials will be materials that respond to changes in their condition and after that experience a material property change. These property changes can be utilized to make an actuator or a sensor from the materials with no extra control or gadgets required. Midé designers comprehend the focal points and restrictions of every material so the fitting arrangement can be proposed for every one of our client's applications. It has the experience important to source materials, plan and create models, perform displaying and recreation, and assembling items. The choices of brilliant materials have a extensive range as confirm by the rundown underneath our sensor unit items. 




Market Analysis:

The International conference on Advanced Materials 2020 is the platform to gain or share the knowledge in the new technological developments in the field of science, engineering and technology. This conference conveys together professors, researchers, scientists, students in all the areas of material science and nanotechnology and affords an international forum for the spreading of approved research. We are honored to invite you all to attend and register for the “26th World Congress on Advanced Materials” which is scheduled for Oct 22-23, 2020, at Tokyo, Japan.

The Committee members are  gearing up for an inspiring and informative symposium program this time similarly which comprises plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for applicants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at international conference on Advanced Materials 2020, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All members of the 26th World Congress on Advanced Materials organizing committee look forward to meeting you in Tokyo, Japan.

Importance and scope

Advanced Materials provides wide range of sessions that discourse the current innovations and novel approaches for the expansion of energy materials to meet the global desires. Advanced Materials 2020 covers major subjects such as Electronic and Magnetic materials, Advanced Materials and Research, Materials & Alloys, Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, Semiconductors and Superconductors, Optics, Lasers, Photonics and Sensors, Porous Materials and Ceramics, Light Emitting Materials. It is strongly believed that combined impact of industrial and information technology may approach the magnitude of change that could result from commercialization of nanotechnology.

The study focusses on the processing of new materials which facilitates its applications to the next generation of engineers and its high marketability has a great impact on the economy of the country. In the new decade the sustainability and influence on the environment lie in the core of the material development.

Why Tokyo?

Tokyo is the World’s most populous metropolitan area. It is the epicenter of Japanese culture, finance and government. Tokyo is the largest among four main islands in Japan. Tokyo is also a foremost transportation hub and a world economic and industrial center. Travel in Tokyo is safe, easy, competent and inexpensive. The metropolitan boasts a huge number of world class institutions of higher education, the highest concentration of universities in Japan. The QS Best Student Cities ranked Tokyo as the 3rd-high-quality city inside the world to be a college scholar in 2016 and 2018.Tokyo hosted the 1964 Summer Olympics, the 1979 G-7 summit, the 1986 G-7 summit, and the 1993 G-7 summit, and will host the 2019 Rugby World Cup, the 2020 Summer Olympics and the 2020 Summer Paralympics. Tokyo grades first in the Global Economic Power Index and third within the Global Cities Index. The GaWC's 2008 inventory categorized Tokyo as an alpha+ international metropolis. Tokyo was hierarchical first out of all sixty towns in the 2017 Safe Cities Index. The QS Best Student Cities ranked Tokyo as the 3rd-high-quality city inside the world to be a college scholar in 2016 and 2d in 2018

Major Advanced Material Associations:

  • American Chemical Society
  • American Physical Society
  • The Materials Information Society
  • The Materials Research Society
  • Microscopy Society of America
  • The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society
  • Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society
  • International Society for Optical Engineering
  • The American Ceramic Society

Advanced Materials and Technology Universities World Wide:

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
  • Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • The University of Queensland
  • University of Science and Technology of China
  • Delft University of Technology
  • KU Leuven University
  • Louisiana Tech University
  • Northwest Missouri State University
  • University at Albany
  • University of Virginia
  • University of Cambridge
  • University Putra Malaysia
  • City University of Hong Kong


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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 22-23, 2020
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